House rewire

Cable installation

Due to the mess this can cause, most customers would try to avoid chasing cable in the walls, where possible, AFS will always recommend this option to the customer as the final results speak for themselves, not only does it look more aesthetically pleasing with no visual cables but it is also the best option for safety reasons.

AFS electricians make every effort to keep the mess and disturbance down to a minimum.  We will try to segregate each room as rewire it.  We would prefer to work in an empty room but realise this is not always possible, so if we do need to move furniture we will place this in the middle of the room, then  dust sheets will be used.  We will then try to seal that room off from the rest of the house to minimise the amount of brick dust that occurs when cutting in channels for cables and sockets.

Of course, its much easier and cleaner to run cables on the surface but with white trunking everywhere, can be very unsightly.

Once our electricians have run all wires and have fixed all back boxes in the relevant places, this will be the time for you to appoint your plasterer.  Ceilings meed to be boarded and chases need to be filled.

Electrical Installations

House rewires

AFS Installations have been helping our customers with their rewires for over 10 years. Yes, it can be an expensive adventure but if AFS are involved from the outset we can help you with some important decisions and in the long term, it is usually money well spent in terms of electrical safety in the home and the additional value to your property.

Some of the decisions you will have to make could have a big impact on the cost so listed below are some choices you will have to consider when embarking on your House Rewire.

house rewires


Normally we would discuss the lighting requirements at the outset.  Depending on the needs of the room, this can be either a pendant in the middle of the room or an ornate light fitting, whichever you prefer.


Over the last seven years we have seen a massive increase in house rewires of the installation of downlights in the kitchen area.  This could be in the form of low voltage downlighters  or LED downlighters which are making a massive emergence on the current market.  Although LED downlighters are much more expensive from the outset (normally in the region of around £35) the low voltage downlighter usually costs around £15 therefore making the upfront cost far cheaper.  However, normally manufacturers offer you a 7-10 years warranty on an LED light fitting and the cost of a lamp for the low voltage downlighter costing around the £6 mark, just think how many lamps you would probably go through in 7 years? Even if it was one a year (which is highly unlikely) you could be looking at an extra £42 per light fitting - you do the maths!


As with kitchen lighting, downlights have been the choice of many and as long as IP ratings (waterproofing) are followed and adhered to, AFS can assist you with this installation but you will also need to take into consideration ventilation with the use of an extractor fan.

house rewires

Light switches & sockets

AFS Installations electricians will discuss with you your requirements for each and every room, taking into consideration the electrical equipment to be used.  For a standard rewire, you would normally be looking at approximately 4 or 5 sockets per room.  We like to advise that for the main lounge area, a minimum of two to three sockets behind the TV and then approximately 1 to 2 per wall depending, on the size of the room.  Bedrooms would normally be fitted with a socket to either side of the bed then 1 0r 2 on the wall opposite the bed.  Obviously, the design of the room is down to the customer so the amount of sockets will ultimately be determined by them.  For a basic square edge white double socket you will be looking at approximately £3 per socket.

When it comes to sockets and switches you are now spoilt for choice; apart from the standard white plastic, you now have available a choice of brass, brushed steel, chrome or even black, all with varying designs.  Obviously prices range fro £3 to £133 depending on the make and model you choose.

House rewires

smoke detectors

Smoke and heat detectors are a necessity for any rewire as part of a new installation and these are normally fired on the landing areas and with a heat detector in the kitchen.

All smoke detectors and heat detectors must be hard wired and with battery back up and on its own circuit in a new installation, the cost of a smoke detector can be expensive, you can pick them up for around £30 to £35 each and a heat detector around £35 to £40 depending on the make, these need to be fitted on each level of the house.

Carbon monoxide alarms are not a requirement but we at AFS will always advice our customers to have one fitted, they normally cost in the region of £15, the gas safe register recommends they are fitted near or close to any gas appliance, please follow the link by clicking on the picture, this will give you an insight into carbon monoxide poisoning and what to look for.  

Although the cost of the these detectors are expensive, what price do you put on the safety of your children and yourself?

House rewires

TV, Satellite and DAta

As part of your rewire, AFS Installations would also advice you to install TV and Data cabling throughout the house at the same time as your electrics.  We would normally fit this in every room, running two satellite cables and two data cat 5 cables.  Although not all of these cables will be used at anyone time, by installing them this way it enables more flexibility which in turn enables you to change your house layout with minimal fuss, as the household grows and its needs change.  Installation of the satellite cables would normally be terminated into.

house rewires

underfloor heating

Underfloor heating is becoming more and more popular in bathrooms, kitchen and hallways, which is a great idea! If you are just about to upgrade your bathroom and have chosen tiles for the floor, then there is nothing better in the morning than having a nice warm floor to place those bare feet!

Also you should consider

  • Garden lighting
  • Security lighting
  • Patio lighting
  • Outdoor sockets
  • Shed and outbuilding electrics
  • CCTV
  • Burglar alarm
  • AV Installations
  • Power showers
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